Just Starting Out

Who will benefit the most from this program?

Our Just Starting Out program is ideal for new high school or college graduates, newly married or you are at a point where you need a reset.

What is the main objective of this program?

Today’s financial world is extremely more complex than the one your parents had when they were starting out. The ability to save for retirement in more ways than just a 401(k), Cryptocurrencies, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) with a much more diversified selection of underlying assets.

With so many investment and life choices, it is more difficult to know if you have or will make the right choices. And, while you can read about many of the points that I will list below, how would you know which one is the right one for you and your future. Also, what about all of the things that are out there that you have no knowledge or exposure to? Imagine yourself 10 years from now and realizing that if you had only known about something in particular at this time, it would have saved you a lot of grief.

So, consider this program as your introduction to a whole host of topics that you should be aware of. Our job is to work with you and set up a financial plan for the next five to 10 years.

Here is how we start the process:

Our starting point is to determine what YOU are looking to accomplish with this program and your life. We’re here to listen and support you. So, our first step is to have an introductory call to better assess your needs.

Some of the key points we will cover:

Establishing good credit habits,

If your job offers a 401(k) plan, should you invest? If so, how much,

Help with setting up a brokerage account,

Developing a consistent investment plan,

What you need to know about filing and paying your income taxes,

Other items brought up in our interview.

Be an advocate for your relative by forming a relationship with a key person in the facility.

The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Movement

Mark Twain said this about work, “I do not like work even when someone else is doing it”.

This sums up how many of the younger generation feel about work. They don’t want to be like their parents with their screwed-up work life balance.

So, why not make the most of your early years and set your sights on being financially independent. After all, the one thing that money is good for is to make you independent. And independence means not having to answer to your parents, boss or most anyone else unless you want to.